Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Growing Belly!

This picture and post is for all of you out there whose constant harassment has finally broken me down! Here is your belly picture! Taken at 35 weeks at one of my showers thrown by my fabulous nanny friends! As you can see I'm getting quite large! Here is the latest and greatest on us as well! As of my dr apt this morning, our cute little Jaden is breech (which means instead of being head down like most babies are right now, he is bum down, head up!) So we'll wait 2 more weeks to see if he turns on his own, if not then I'll have the doctors try to turn him. This is usually only 50% successful! If he doesn't turn then we will just schedule a c-section. So right now we are just hoping he will turn on his own! Luckily we live in a time where all options are quite safe! We'll keep you updated on how things go!


Aubrey Hansen said...

Katie, you look so cute, I can't believe you're having a baby! good luck, can't wait to see pictures of the litte guy. Remember our date to the mtns, watching the movie on the couch? Weren't you on that date with your (future) husband?

Sue said...

Thank you very much I took that adorable picture :) Love you babe!

liz + josh said...

look how cute your little belly is! i'm glad you finally posted a preggo picture! he's going to be such a cute baby!

Jillian said...

Katie, Katie... I love you so much and I love your belly! You are even cuter than the last time I saw you! Ah! I am excited for your shower this week... :)

Jamie said...

Katie! It was so good to see you today! You look way cuter prggers than I ever did! :) I'm so glad we can be blogging buddie now too! Keep us updated on the babe!

Jessica Anderson said...

Dang girl, it's about freakin time! Hope everything goes well, looks like it'll be any day now that little Jaden comes out! GOOD LUCK!