Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hooray For Sunshine!!!!

So I am trying really hard to better at updating! So here is the latest from this past week!

The sun FINALLY came out and boy oh boy did we take advantage of it! We spent every sunny day outside and had a ball! With Jaden's RSV past I have been really picky about letting him play outside unless it is quite warm, and so he was SO happy to finally be playing outdoors!

We spent one day at Hogle Zoo with my sister Emily, her kids, Courtney and Kate!
Here is a picture of the crew!
I will just let you imagine how soaked they got here!

Kate and Jaden found this puddle and unfortunately since they have decided to take away the bears and the poor zebra's died, there was nothing to distract them from it! They were not too happy when we took them away, but luckily the penguins weren't far and they were all smiles once again!!
Chillin in the wagon!
We really had SO much fun and can't wait to go back again! We spent another day at the park and can't wait until every day brings a sunny fun adventure!

Jaden and Kate are also shopping buddies! Here is a fun picture!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Much Needed Update!!!

So it has been WAY too long since I have posted and I apologize! It started out that I felt NOTHING was going on in our lives that I really needed to update but then this week has been crazy!!! Anyways, here is what is going on with us!

At the begining of February we moved in with Shawn's parent's down in Lehi while we await our move to Eden. Things are going slower than we planned but all that matters is things are going! We are still not in Eden but are lucky to have the hospitality of Shawn's parent's while we are here! For those of you who don't know we are moving to Eden for a great job oportunity for Shawn and we are VERY excited!

Jaden is adjusting well to being here and has been a real are some of his new favorite things!

This is where the J man likes to hang while mom gets ready!
He cracks me up!

We get to go on some fun little walks! Lots more of these in Eden!
I must say that I do LOVE being so close to Thanksgiving Point! It has so many great and fun things to do! Jaden is VERY into horses and animals and loves going to the farm to see the "neighs" (yes every animal is refered to by the sound they make)
Jaden adores his grandparents and I am glad he is getting to spend some quality time together before we are far away and our visits become A LOT less frequent!

So needless to say things have been going well for us, but Monday night we hit a snag....

Last year at almost this exact same time Jaden got RSV/Bronchialitis and ended up at Primary Children's for a week on oxygen. It was an emotional time and so sad to see our little man so sick. He was a trooper though and made a great recovery. Well on Monday Jaden got his second spout with Bronchialitis in the last month and we were back at the dr's. They sent me home but low and behold at about 5:30 I knew that he wasn't ok. I took him to the insta care and by midnight that night we were back in the hospital with you guessed it, RSV and Bronchialitis.

This cute little mischevious face...

Once again looked like this....

We did get lucky this time though and only ended up staying about 24hrs. I was so upset though at the begining of the season the doctor had told me that because he got RSV last season the odds of him getting it again were slim. Well come to find out that Jaden has Restrictive Airway Disease. Which basically means that when he gets a cold, he gets asthmatic symptoms and it hits him hard. The good news is that now we know what to do and he will probably grow out of it! We also now are the proud owners of one of these fun little machines... boo!
It actually will be a good thing, because now when Jaden catches a cold I can give him a breathing treatment at home.

As rough as a week as it was we are back to being healthy and my happy little man is running around again... and we are looking forward to many more days of...


Jaden has grown up SO much lately that I can barely believe it! He is talking so much! Even full sentences...when he feels like it! Time flies!