Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Make it Stop!!!

My sweet little Ella Kate just won't stop growing up!

Our little Ella bug is officially 8 months as of yesterday and it just seems crazy to me! Where does the time g0!

Ella has such a sweet fun personality! She LOVES to laugh, and is such a generally happy child!
She loves to play with her big brother and is already following him around the house!!! Ella loves scream and talk! Many mornings we wake up to her just talking to herself in her crib.

Ella LOVES to eat! (she is her mother's child in this respect)
As of late she has decided she would MUCH rather feed herself anything than eat the exact same thing from a spoon, I guess she's a little independent too! :)
She has started waving as well although she doesn't exactly move her's still pretty cute!

Ella and the Duke are great friends, she loves to pet him and recently has learned how to feed him her dinner...awesome!

Ella used to be so laid back I could just sit her down with some toys and she would just play. If she got fussy I would just send Jaden over to play with her while I loaded the dishwasher or what not, and she would be content.. not so much anymore

Ella is ALWAYS on the move...she started army/caterpillar crawling almost a month ago and now has it down...she crawls EVERYWHERE and I can't leave her alone for a minute!

Here she is destroying Jaden's dinosaur train...he LOVED that... :)
She has also discovered and interest in the stairs....guess it's time for a gate!
Obviously she is quite athletic seeing as how she is already doing pushups...ok so maybe this is just how she starts crawling but look how stinkin cute she is!!

Ella is small for her age but still bigger than Jaden was! She has started to get some hair but
as you can see in the post....she has begun to revolt against her bows, sad day!

She loves to be thrown up in the hair and grabs everything in sight then proceeds to puts it straight in her mouth! She loves to sing songs and feed herself her bottles...yes sad day she has been on formula for almost a month now, the girl doesn't have the attention span to nurse anymore... :(

She is sleeping MUCH better...atleast she was before I typed that! :)
She loves to look at herself in the mirror and if she is sad, a glance of herself in a mirror will quickly cheer her up!

She weighs about 15lbs and is 27inches long...catching up to her brother quick!

She makes us smile everyday and if you as me, she couldn't be any cuter!
We love our little Ella Bug!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Say It Ain't So

This cute little man CAN NOT be turning 3!!!!

Sad but little man is growing up on me!!!
On June 24th my sweet baby boy turned 3!!! I wanted his day to be very special so I let him choose what we did all day long!!!
We started of by going to the Choo Choo Cafe for a donut breakfast!!

Cars 2 came out on his birthday so that was our next stop...

After that we went home for naps and to wait for daddy to get off work, when he got home we headed to Eccles Dinosaur Park for a picnic dinner!

Jaden is starting to realize how super cool his daddy is and absolutely adores him, He wants to be "a daddy" when he grows up!
I love Eccles Dinosaur park! They always have fun things set up!
A quick shot of the Ella bug checking out the dinos

So we do a party every other year for Jaden's birthday and this year was a party year and Jaden wanted a Triceratops Party with Blue and Orange (his favorite colors) and a Triceratops cake....He's not particular at all :) We did his party the week before his birthday and it was a lot of fun! Thanks to all that traveled up!

We got lucky with a beautiful day! We played some fun dinosaur games, decorated goodie bags, and just let the kids run wild and play on the new playset and bounce house! All in all it was a great time!
I experienced some technical difficulties with the triceratops cake....but Jaden loved it and I guess that is all that matters right....that's what I keep telling myself!
Jaden needed no help opening his presents this year and even found himself this little thrown to open his presents on with now help from anyone!
He got absolutely LOADED with everything from trucks and cars to a dinosaur train set from Nana and Papa! All in all it was a fantastic day and he was so excited to see everyone he was giving hugs all around!

Jaden and McKell
Hugs for Nana too!
Jaden is doing so many fun things these days!! He makes me laugh harder and harder every day!!! Here are a few of my favorite "Jaden-isms"

When Jaden gets up in the morning he loves to tell us about what he dreamed about...but if instead of asking him what he dreamed about if I accidently ask him how he slept he will lay on the floor and physically show me the position in which he slept :)

He is always cracking me up with little phrases, the other morning I was tickling him trying to make him give into saying I was his favorite or something and instead of giving into me, he replied with "I just don't want to talk about it anymore mom!"

I signed Jaden up for a fun little camp at his preschool to kind of introduce him to the school this last week and the first day when I came to pick him up I asked him if he missed me and his reply "Nope" and I said something like..."oh sad" to which he replied...."I still love you though"
That's a phrase I hear a lot....

Jaden is an AMAZING big brother, he still has yet to get jealous of Ella Kate and is always trying to help me with her! He does think diapers are quite gross though :) If she is ever sad and crying he always runs downstairs to bring her a toy and LOVES to climb in her bed with her to tell her good morning! He holds her hand in the car and today in the car when she wasn't so happy in the car I heard him say "I'm sorry Ella I just can't reach you! He's the sweetest! As of late...she has started swiping his toys ....which he isn't super fond of....and so it begins :)

Jaden's favorite song to sing is "Ole Ole Ole Ole REAL SALT LAKE" He sings it over and over and over all day long! He LOVES Leo the Lion!!!

He loves ALL SPORTS and wants to play hockey basketball baseball soccer and football all day long! I love it though it keeps him active and if I do say so myself, he's got some great coordination!

His favorite shows right now are Dinosaur Train and Chuck Truck

Every night when I put Jaden to bed we talk about our favorite parts of the day and every night he says..."Us go bye bye?"and I say "yes" or "no" and if it's yes he says "where we go" and I tell him and he says that's his favorite part of the day, even if it's just going to get mail or going to daddy's office to bring him lunch...silly kid

Ok for my final thing Jaden does (because obviously I could go along all day) is one of my absolute favorites :) Sometimes Jaden is kind of hard to understand but when in the past i have always asked him to show me what he is trying to tell me.... Well now without even asking that whenever he can tell that I don't know what he's saying he begins playing like charades with me! It's so funny, he will start acting it out or he will start describing it to me, for instance tonight we were talking and I couldn't quite get what he was saying, it sounded like bad or bed and I was so confused and he says to me " mommy it's big and white and sandwiches...." Oh bread!!! I LOVE IT!!! What a cute kid!

I must say I am not fond of my little man growing up but I am quite proud of the sweet smart little boy he is turning into.

Update on Ella to come...just thought Jaden deserved a post just for him! :)