Monday, April 6, 2009

New Pics!

So I tagged along with my sister to get some Easter photos and decided to get a couple of Jaden, they are so cute I just had to post them! Enjoy!

My Sister told me the drool added Character to this next one, what do you think!?

I can't believe how big he is getting! We are loving every moment with him though! He's the best thing that ever happened to us!


Sue said...

I love the baby fo-hawk. So sweet!

Adam and Ashley said...

Oh my goodness Katie boo!! He is a doll! I want to squeeze those cheeks!

Jamie said...

SOOOOOOOO handsome! I love him! You need to come get that car seat and then we need to play! I'm going birthday shopping for Hayden either tomorrow or saturday if you wanna join?

Brianna said...

I like the drool! Haha! What a doll he is! The older he gets, the more I see YOU in him!