Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jaden's Love!

So we have been up visiting in Eden this past week and every time we come Jaden is in HEAVEN!!! Let me tell you why....

It is because of these two...large...loveable dogs!!!

He adores them!
William and Wilfy who greatly out weigh the little man but are
his best buddies and so stinking patient with him!

He wakes up every morning and as soon as we walk out into the great room he starts:
"Goggie? Mom, Goggies?" and immediately wants to walk over to their cages and let them out to play (whether they are still sleeping or not!)

He also seems to think that even though they out weigh him, that because he barely stands taller, that he is in charge... With Wilfy this works occassionally...William not so much! Another thing that Jaden loves....

Climbing into their cages (with or without them)
If it were up to Jaden, they would even bathe with him! They have been such great sports with him, He wakes them up during their naps, clinbs all over them, and even kisses them (yes on the mouth...) and gets right up face to face and says "hi goggs, hi gogg" not so quietly! and they are still so gentle with him, don't get me wrong they are big and he gets knocked around enough, but it doesn't stop him, he adores these "goggs"!

Jaden has been really into all animals lately, The "ba's"(sheep) The "moo moo's" (cows) The "err's"(that would be a rooster) The "mows" (kittens) and especially the "neighs" (horses) recently he found a big stuffed horse.... He thought it was pretty fun to pretend ride and wrestle with! ( We wrestle with everything these days, thanks daddy)

Life has been so busy and so fun, when I have more energy I will post more but for now this is much fun as he is, mom is worn out!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tis The Season

I am SO excited for Christmas this year! I'm not sure exactly what it is but really I just can't wait!About a week ago we decorated our house and our tree and had so much fun! We decided to go simple not knowing how mischievous Jaden was going to be with the tree, but he has been great! He has been very into wearing hats lately so please enjoy these pictures of my Christmas Cowboy decorating the tree!

Showing mom how it should be done!

Our little Christmas Cowboy
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dino Muneum with Grandma

Yesterday we spent a fun morning at the Dinosaur Museum with Grandma! (Shawn's mom) Jaden had such a fun time! He is so into dinosaurs right now and loves to play with them and roar! I think his favorite part was playing in the water!

He also loved looking at the big bones! Towards the end it got a little dark for him and he was done, but all in all we had a great time! It was fun to have Grandma come along!
Thanks Grandma!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am thankful...

I am thankful...

For this face...
I am thankful for his smile, his laugh, his curiosity and mischievousness. I am thankful for the joy and happiness that he brings into my life...I can't imagine life without him!

I am thankful for this face....
I am thankful for what an amazing husband and father he is. For how he takes care and provides for us! For how he plays soccer and wrestles with Jaden at night! For how he makes me smile and still gives me butterflies every time we kiss!

I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful for all I have!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Finger Paints!

This week Jaden experienced finger painting for the first time.... here are some pictures

He wasn't so sure about it at first but ended up enjoying himself...his body was more painted than his paper but that's half the fun right!

I love this little boy! He is such a joy and makes my everyday a joy...even the hardest days are worth every minute for one smile one kiss and one "mom mom moma peees"! (please envision the circular rubbing of the chest simultaniously!) Being a mom is the best!
Jaden is also very into his daddy as of late, He follows Shawn all over the house and gets so excited when he comes home! He loves wearing daddy's shoes and playing with his tools! He is at such a fun age talking more and more every day and his personality is shining through!
Love ya Bubba!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Fall Fall

I love this time of year, I think I have mentioned that a time or two but it is just so true! The only thing I don't love is that department stores seem to think its time for christmas but IT'S NOT!!! We still have some fall left in us until after thanksgiving....but that's a whole other issue!!
Anyways my friend Casandra and I took our kids to Wheeler farm a week or so ago and had a lot of fun! Jaden has become a lot more interestd in the sounds that animals make and so I think he enjoyed listening to the farm animals more than normal this time! He is getting so big and as excited as I am because every stage he hits is so fun and I love watching him learn and also kinda makes me little baby is growing up...for some reason I think he looks SO big in these pictures!

He is SO good at smiling for his mom!

Okay so he may not look like he's having fun in this picture...but I think he was just done saying "chee" for mom

This next one kills me, he looks SO BIG!!!

Danica and Jaden have also become the best buddies! They will sit there some days and just stare at eachother and laugh! It's so funny! He chases her, she tries to dress him up, they play games together, he absolutely adores his "Da-ta" I love that they have eachother to play with!

Well that's the last week or so from us! ....
That and Jaden sticking things in the toilet, but that again, is a whole other post!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Halloween Trick or Treat!

Halloween this year was SO much fun! We took Jaden trick or treating for his first time and he had a blast! The festivities lasted all week long and boy was he tired tonight! Here are some fun pictures!

This is Jaden at Gardner Village in his costume! He was a lion,,,,but I can't tell you how many people this week came up to us and said "Oh what a cute little tiger"...really? Come on people... you will notice throughout all these pictures....every time Jaden has his costume on...he has a sucker in his mouth, let me tell you why.... It is the only way I could get him to keep his mane on and well lets be honest you do what you have to do! Isn't he SO cute though!?!?

With the pumpkin

He's a Clegg...Here he is kissing his friend Kate

Wednesday night was the Buck Family Halloween party! We don't do costumes, but we do Halloween shirts, Pumpkin patches, pumpkin decorating and soup bowls! It is always so much fun! Especially since all the cousins are around the same age! This year Rachela nd Lee couldn't make it but they were greatly missed!

Here are all the kids together (minus Meg)

Miss Libby Lou
Jaden and Libby

Cute little Haylie

Jaden with his pumpkin

Jaden's serious face with his pumpkin

Oh there's that smile! He lived tearing the eyes off his pumpkin after mom glued them!
My sisters always do such a great job coming up with ways for the kids to decorate, this year we tried pipe cleaners!

Another attempted family photo...we really don't have the best luck with these!

Friday night was the Clegg Halloween Party! We went trunk or treating with the cousins! It was SO cold but Jaden had a great time! Since he is too young to say "trick or treat", he tried to say "Peese" and "tatu" at every car!

With McKell, she takes such great care of him!

Jaden and Nathan

The little lion ready to go!

Daddy was a great help...Jaden has been very attatched to him lately! Shawn doesn't seem to mind though!
Since we had such a busy week we tried to keep today pretty low key,(sorry no pics) we went out to breakfast, helped put up the boat cover and played with cousins...came home for a failed attempt at a nap and then headed to hang out with friends! Trunk or treating was enough for us so we didn''t make Jaden treck the cold again! All in all it was a great Halloween! Hope yours was just as fun!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scarecrow Festival!

I love fall! It is deffinately my favorite time of year! Winter is too cold, summer gets too hot, when spring comes you are so sick of winter that you just want it to be hot, so you spend the whole season wishing it was summer, but fall I feel like you really get to enjoy. If you are like me you are not ready for the cold yet, but so thankful for the break from the heat! The trees change colors and everything is beautiful! I love it! I also love all fall festivities!
Well, since Jaden's surgery, he has been going crazy staying inside! He has just wanted to get out of the house and go play! So today we headed to the Scarecrow Festival @ Thanksgiving Point! This is one of my favorite fall festivities and I was SO excited! (PS I hope you are all VERY impressed! 3 posts in less than 2 weeks...ya) Unfortunately before we left Jaden was in some pain so by the time we got there he was on lortab and quite wabbly...but he still had fun, here are some pictures of our day!

Dad and Jaden

Jaden is a soccer aholic here is "popping" the ball

and dribbling

and stopping to say "cheeee"
I took him on one of the huge slides....not such a fan...maybe next year
He wanted to climb up himself and did not want mom to carry him

We went fishing with Nemo and daddy!

One of many failed attempts at a family photo!

I think Jaden's 2 favorite things were the train (longest line ever) and his balloon! Suprisingly we only lost one to the clouds!
Shawn was such a trooper and missed the first 30 minutes of the BYU game so we could go...
We had such a wonderful time with great food and family! I love being able to make family memories like this and can't wait for Halloween! I love fall!

Jaden was done by the time we left but we thought we would try one more family picture...
Again....maybe next year!