Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Happiest Time of the Year!

I'm so excited for the holidays this year! I always love the holidays, but this year, having Jaden in our little family has made them even better than I could have imagined! He is such a good fun baby and we love him so much! This year for thanksgiving we had a relatively small get together, it was just Shawns parents, Grandma and us, it was nice to spend some one on one time together! Shawn and I have SO much to be grateful for and feel so overly blessed! We have eachother, a beautiful, healthy little boy, amazing families, our jobs, the gospel, I could go on and on...and on! I hope everyone takes the time to realize just how much we all have and enjoy the true meaning of this season! Here are some fun pics from thanksgiving and a few bonuses!

Jaden and Grandma Julia! She's a riot!

5 months old and already a car guy! Thanks Grandma!
Shawn and I decided that for our christmas cards this year we are just going to take the pictures ourselves, and...since we have a baby.... we don't have to be in them! :) HOORAY! Jaden is much cuter anyways! So yesterday I went and got a fun little santa hat for him and we took some pictures last night! I guess my philosophy is with a baby this cute, do we really need a professional!? Okay, he's getting his pics taken with his cousins professionally next week, but look at how cute these pics are and you'll see that I mean!

Lets be honest here, he's adorable!

Fingers in the mouth...a very common position!

Our Sweet Little Guy!

I love it! Anyways, thats the latest from us!

Happy Hollidays everyone!


Kellie said...

It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. I think the recipe idea is a great idea. I always love getting new recipes. You are the best Katie.

Jamie said...

He really is adorable. I'm so exited we get to play tomorrow!

Jillian said...

He is SOOOOOOO cute. I want to hug and cuddle him when we get together okay??? I looove the babies at work. :)

Sue said...

So cute in his little santa hat! I love it!