So life the last month has been chaos!! My poor sweet little Ella has had this relentless ear infection that just wouldn't go away! So after going through 2 full antibiotics and still having high fevers, I once again took her back into the Dr only to find out my sweet girl had!!! I can't say I was super surprised since Shawn has had a wicked Bronchitis, Jaden has had a sinus infection and then Ella...we have been a sickly sight! I think I went a month without going to church because Shawn had to be there and I had sick kiddos! So luckily my boss at the preschool is phenomenal, and let me take almost 2 weeks off to let Ella recover! Thanksgiving break break fit it nicely as well!
Ella actually rebounded quickly enough that I decided since we were out of school I would give potty training a shot! I was a little apprehensive but she has done fantastic, dont get me wrong, she has had her fair share of accidents, but for as young as she is I mist say I am impressed!
Ella's birthday was last monday, I can't believe my little baby is 2!!
For her birthday she got her very first doll house!
She has absolutely LOVED playing with it and it is so fun for me to watch her!
For the birthday girl's special day we went to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden! Ella and Jaden absolutely love it there, so I thought it would be a fun way to spend our day!
We hadn't had one taken since our wedding with his side of the family so we decided that it was about time!
Since they were already coming up we decided to celebrate Ella's birthday that day too! Nothing fancy, just some fun family time! My mom and my sister Amy and her family came up as well! Ella got spoiled rotten ate way too much candy and LOVED every minute of it...except for the family pictures that is....
Then she finished her cupcake and wanted some real sugar, thats my girl!
All in all it was a fantastic day and a great way to celebrate the end of being sick!
Here are a few fun things about my Ella bug...
She LOVES pancakes, on her actual birthday I asked her if she wanted a cake and she requested pancakes instead (those pictures are on shawns camera..ooops)
She also LOVES candy, a favorite right now is starbursts, which she gets way too many of with potty training, she will go any time anywhere for a starburst!
She is very stubborn but also as sweet as they come! She loves her morning snuggles and is always very concerned about her big brother when he is sad, but she's not afraid to bonk him on the head if she feels she is being treated unjustly :0)
She is super tough which is good because she is also super clumsy :) she randomly falls over all the time but can stand up and brush it off with the best of them!
She thinks she's a teenager and is very independent anything that anyone else can do she can do, and do it better!
She loves nursery and preschool and is learning so much! She loves to say prayers by helself and knows the majority of her colors! She loves to count things!
He favorite color is pink! She wants to eat out of pink bowls or pink plates with pink silverware!
She has just started getting into dressing up and its hysterical, I love it!
Her giggle is still the cutest thing you will ever hear!
She loves to read books and is starting to enjoy coloring too!
Her favorite things to watch on tv are Minnie Mouse, Word World and lately Sophia the Princess
Ella is such a joy in our little family and we are SO blessed to have her! I can't imagine life without my little ray of sunshine! Happy Birthday Ella Bug!
Awe that is adorable! Both Ella and Jaden are cute in all these pictures. I need to come visit again soon!
I am so sorry everyone was sick! That is so sad! :(
I think you need to blog again, I want to hear about you and your cut family. :)
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