Thursday, July 16, 2009

4th of July

When Shawn and I were dating he told me that one of his favorite childhood memories was going to the Oakley ROdeo on the 4th of July every year. So when we started our own family we decided to carry on the tradition, last year Jaden was so little we didn't dare take him, but this year we gave it a shot and oh did he have a blast! We spent the weekend up at the Clegg family cabin and other than a few minor incidents, had a great weekend!

Jaden took his first ride on a 3 wheeler!
He loved it!

Our first of many rodeo adventures!

Jaden wth Grandma and Grandpa Clegg and Hayley!
Checking everything out....

It only took a few minutes for him to get really into everything!

Like I said...He loved it and I love this picure! :)

We had such a great time! Hooray for family traditions!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh I love him. He is so cute. I love all those pictures. I was going to say that the checking things out picture was my fav but then I saw the ones after it and I can't pick a fav! Love it!