This last week Jaden had a playdate with Connor and Tristan! I was in a student ward with Connor and Tristan's mom's back in the day (Sally and Nichole) and we have always been very close friends! We didn't even know we were all preggo until we were all over 3 months along, so it has been fun getting together and having boys the same age! Well we got kinda bored so we decided to take pics of the boys together! Aren't they cute!
They started out sitting together
Then they got the wiggles!
Tristan really just wanted to get down
Then for those of you who know anything about our dear sweet little Jaden, you know that he DOES NOT like to sleep any way but bunddled very tight with 2 recieving blankets and a snuggler that velcros! Well apparently that's only at night, because today I decided I was going to try to put him down for a nap just in his crib unswaddled. This was a crazy idea for me because last night he got his fingers up out of his swaddle twice and woke up each time! I tried to let him put himself back to sleep but after 2 hrs of waking up every 5 min, crying for ten and then repeating I was just done! I gave in and rebunddled him. Maybe we are on our way though because he has now been asleep almost 45 min unswaddled!!! HOORAY!!! Good job little guy!
Jaden also turned 5 months old yesterday! He's getting SO big!