Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am thankful...

I am thankful...

For this face...
I am thankful for his smile, his laugh, his curiosity and mischievousness. I am thankful for the joy and happiness that he brings into my life...I can't imagine life without him!

I am thankful for this face....
I am thankful for what an amazing husband and father he is. For how he takes care and provides for us! For how he plays soccer and wrestles with Jaden at night! For how he makes me smile and still gives me butterflies every time we kiss!

I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful for all I have!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Finger Paints!

This week Jaden experienced finger painting for the first time.... here are some pictures

He wasn't so sure about it at first but ended up enjoying himself...his body was more painted than his paper but that's half the fun right!

I love this little boy! He is such a joy and makes my everyday a joy...even the hardest days are worth every minute for one smile one kiss and one "mom mom moma peees"! (please envision the circular rubbing of the chest simultaniously!) Being a mom is the best!
Jaden is also very into his daddy as of late, He follows Shawn all over the house and gets so excited when he comes home! He loves wearing daddy's shoes and playing with his tools! He is at such a fun age talking more and more every day and his personality is shining through!
Love ya Bubba!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Fall Fall

I love this time of year, I think I have mentioned that a time or two but it is just so true! The only thing I don't love is that department stores seem to think its time for christmas but IT'S NOT!!! We still have some fall left in us until after thanksgiving....but that's a whole other issue!!
Anyways my friend Casandra and I took our kids to Wheeler farm a week or so ago and had a lot of fun! Jaden has become a lot more interestd in the sounds that animals make and so I think he enjoyed listening to the farm animals more than normal this time! He is getting so big and as excited as I am because every stage he hits is so fun and I love watching him learn and grown...it also kinda makes me sad...my little baby is growing up...for some reason I think he looks SO big in these pictures!

He is SO good at smiling for his mom!

Okay so he may not look like he's having fun in this picture...but I think he was just done saying "chee" for mom

This next one kills me, he looks SO BIG!!!

Danica and Jaden have also become the best buddies! They will sit there some days and just stare at eachother and laugh! It's so funny! He chases her, she tries to dress him up, they play games together, he absolutely adores his "Da-ta" I love that they have eachother to play with!

Well that's the last week or so from us! ....
That and Jaden sticking things in the toilet, but that again, is a whole other post!