Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Boys at the Zoo!

So I completely forgot to post these pictures! The day before we went into the hospital Jaden seemed just fine, again I just thought he was grumpy because he was teething, but no fever or cough really...anyways, it was a beautiful day and playgroup day, so we decided to take the boys up to the zoo!!!We had such a great time! Here are some pictures of our great day!

Connor Tristan & Jaden just haging with the giraffes

Jaden and Tristan were VERY interested in the bears cant you tell!

Nichole and Connor

Sally and Tristan

Me and Baby J

The six of us in the alligator house! Don't worry there's no sign on the door but there is NO ALLIGATOR inside, they took him away! (but you have to walk all the way through the exhibit to find that out, and the only way you find out is by looking in an empty glass cage and then seeing the little peice of paper that says he's gone...but I'm not upset about it!) :)

The boys before the train, Jaden was working on his Elvis lip!

We had such a great day with such great friends! I can't wait for this summer when our little guys can start to enjoy all the fun things sunshine has to offer!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finally A Post!

Well its been brought to my attention that I'm a slacker when it comes to blogging so here I am to try and remedy that! The last month seems to have gone by SO quickly and I can't think of all that much that has been happening! Hence the lack of posting! The last week has quite possibly been the hardest week of my life though and even though I have been humbled by the whole experience, and have feelings of such gratitude in my heart, I wouldn't wish the experience upon my worst enemy.Most of you already know the story but for those of you who do not, I will give the abbreviated version. (well the katie abbreviated version which is probably not even abbreviated) March 16th was Shawn and I's 2nd anniversary, we decided to be brave and leave Jaden with my sister in law on saturday and go out to celebrate. Jaden' hadn't been feeling too well and we contributed that to teething, so we told them to give us a call if he was fussy and we headed out. We hit up a fantastic Thai restraunt did some shopping and went to the temple, when we came out I had 5 missed calls! I called my sister in law back and she let us know that Jaden was having a hard time, they were actually in the parking lot. We drove over and when we saw him we knew something was up. We took him to insta care where they checked his oxygen and did a breathing treatment, not looking good... They called an ambulance and transported us up to Primary Childrens where we found out Jaden had RSV Bronchialitis and an ear infection. No wonder he wasnt feeling well!!! We spent the next 6 days there and finally let off the oxygen and came home thursday night! We still go to the hospital 1 to 2 times a day for suctioning but it is so nice to be home! Jaden's voice is finally starting to come back after going horse from all the crying, and believe it or not he hated the breathing treatments more than anything. Watching my little guy be so sick and so upset for so long and knowing I couldn't make it better and the only thing that did help, hurt, was torture, but being up at Primary Childrens and seeing all the brave little kids who were so much sicker than my little guy was the most humbling experience of my life, and although we are not quite back to 100% I thank heaven every day that he is as healthy as he is!

I also Just want to give a quick little shout out to my amazingly perfect husband! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and these past 2 years have been the best of my life! I couldn't have made it through this past week without him! He is my strength and my everything! He is such and amazing father and I can only hope and pray that Jaden grows up to be just like him! (minus a little ocd) I love you babe!